Content Marketing

August 17, 2016 at 3:34 am

6 Types of Emails that Work Every Time

Email marketing has been considered as one of the most important methods in building loyal customers. It’s also a vital way to promote your product or service to a broad range of people. While many ventures have reaped the benefits of this strategy, not all of those who tried succeeded.


There are valuable pointers to remember once you start putting out email materials for your market. More importantly, you must understand the differences between the types of email you sent to your audience. Today, we have listed six of the most shared and useful types of email you can use to provide your subscribers the added value they deserve.

Free Convenient Gift

The gift comes in a variety of forms when it comes to digital marketing. It can be in a form of How-to blog post, a relevant list of trivia and even video tips on the particular niche you’re handling. If for instance you created one of these posts and would like to inform them about it, sending an email is the most efficient way to go about it.

However, you must keep in mind that people who are checking their emails might be out or doing something more urgent. Giving your audience the convenience by providing copies of it on PDF, video link or an e-book allows them to download the content for later reading.

Email of pure value

First off, how do you define value? In digital marketing, this means the amount of satisfaction you give to your customers. While sending emails for promotion is the primary use of the procedure, you must also be open to the idea of sending contents that just offers value to your clients without incorporating any promotional stunt for any item you offer.

A good example would be the concise email about daily inspiration, perhaps getting one or two quotes from influential people.

Showing your subscribers trust and respect

This requires a certain degree of sincerity and an excellent strategy. Confidence and respect are two important factors in building rapport with your clients. It’s not something that comes automatically. A good point of reference is when you are trying to attract people to join you on your team.



Sending them information about the hiring is a display of trust and recognition of their abilities. Of course, it is not a guarantee that any of them will be hired, but the gesture itself of informing them is a good professional courtesy.

Major events preview

People naturally tend to feel excited at the thought of a major event happening. Sadly, many of these occasions failed to attract its desired attention because of the lack of publicity. As a marketer, it’s your task to let your target market know about what you are up to.

Build the hype for an individual event by crafting a concise, informative email about it. Provide just the right amount of teasers and make your audience feel excited!


They’re nothing new. Every time you log in to a particular website, you will most likely receive a prompt asking you to subscribe to its daily or weekly newsletter. It functions to inform your readers of what is going on in your site.

That being said, marketers need to make sure that they keep this type of email short and comprehensive, focusing mainly on the highlights of the website.

Exclusive offers

Many people, if not all, love to feel special. And this is something that could work to any email marketer’s advantage when played right. Every time you have some special offers, do not forget to tell your audience about it. It can be a free online lesson, an online auction and more. Provide a link where they could get the full details for the registration and stuff.


Your readers have to deal with tons of email that come in and out of their inboxes a day. Make your message stand out by crafting an enticing copy that provides value. The last thing you want is to be labeled as a spammer, so better start put considerable planning on your email marketing strategy.


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