Content Marketing Search Marketing SEO

July 17, 2018 at 2:50 am

SEO Techniques: Image Optimization

Another useful yet overlooked SEO technique is optimizing the site’s images. Targeting images can bring traffic from image search which does is great for the rankings of a site. Moreover, images bring life to articles and long texts. They provide a break from paragraphs and make the content easy to scan. An SEO company Philippines knows the impact and power of images. Thus, it is essential for blogs and websites to use at least a PNG, JPG or a GIF file with their content and optimize it for search engines. To learn how to apply image optimization, read the tips below. These tips include SEO Philippines strategies for graphics, illustrations, photos and other image files.


How To Optimize The Site’s Images


capture images with camera for search engine and better image optimization



1. Post high-quality images with the right format and the right size.

Standard photos must be in JPG format. Graphics and images that require transparency must be in PNG. To optimize graphics with limited colors, use PNG-8 over PNG-24. It is also better to reduce the number of colors from 256 to 16. Don’t forget to use SVGs (vector graphic images) for icons and logos for scaling. It won’t increase the size of the file. When using images, its actual width must not exceed the width of the largest container used (multiplied by two for retina displays).


2. Publish content using responsive images.

The latest CMS like WordPress version 4.4 already has the scrset attribute built-in. Not all blogs and CMS are fortunate. They must enter and code the srcset attribute which provides the browser a list of image variants. The attribute makes it possible to show the image on different screen sizes. When combined with the sizes attribute, the images can load on different screens without too much effort. Srcset and sizes attributes are vital to an SEO and social media marketing company. They impact user experience (UX) through the increased appeal of the post and the decreased loading times.


3. Use the right file name.

The file name of the images allows Google and other search engines to know what is the image about and what is on it. The right file name makes it easy for the image to appear on image search engines.


4. Add alt tags.

The alt tag is the abbreviation for the alt attribute on an img tag. The alt tag of an image describes what is on the file. It also describes the function of the image on the page. Screen readers, non-visual browsers, Braille readers read the text on the tag to make the image accessible.

The code of the alt tag looks like this:

<img src=“image.jpg” alt=“image description” title=“image tooltip”> The alt tag is not only helpful for the blind and visually impaired people. It is also has a purpose for SEO. It can be used to describe the image using keywords. The alt tag does not have to be spammed or stuffed with keywords to be effective. A phrase with 16 or fewer words is enough to describe what is on a particular image. Use descriptive, concise and accurate words when filling out the alt tag. However, not all images on a site have a purpose. Some are on the site for design reasons. If that’s the case, the images must be part of the CSS and not the HTML. If the change is not possible, make it an empty alt attribute like this: <img src=”image.png” alt=””> The empty alt attribute ensures screen readers skip over the images.


5. Create an image XML sitemap.

Provide search engines about the images and its information on your site by creating a sitemap. Adding the image-specific tags to an existing sitemap is fine and works just as well as separate one. The images listed on the XML sitemap helps the search engine like Google index the images. Indexing helps the images appear in search results.


5. Fix the alignment and utilize captions.

An image with the same width as the text column emphasizes the image. Use proper alignment to ensure the image complements the text. At the same time add captions. Captions help readers to scan the content. They can be used to provide an overview or the purpose of the published content.


6. Refrain using stock photos.

The image that is part of the content must always be relevant to the text. Use original works and photos over stock images. It also helps to use GIFs, but use it sparingly. Too much can distract the reader from the motions of the image.


These are some ways to image optimization. It helps the site improve user experience as well as its SERP ranking. It can also increase conversion rates when buttons and other CTA-related images have the right title and alt tags.

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